The Document Delivery (DD) service involves the exchange of document copies among libraries at the local, national, and international levels.

The Library provides this service exclusively for journal articles, under the following conditions:

For further information, please refer to the Document Delivery Service Regulations.

The incoming Document Delivery service, intended for the institutional users (Faculty and Students of PIB), makes it possible to obtain copies of journal article copies from other libraries:

  • Requests must be submitted by filling out the appropriate form on our Discovery Tool DALET, with a maximum of 3 per month.
  • The user must pay all necessary expenses for this service, the amount of which will be calculated before the procedure starts. Such costs would cover the cost of printing according to the PIB Library’s standard rates; and any fees charged by the supplying library for fulfilling the request for the document.
  • Upon the arrival of the requested document, the user will be immediately contacted via email.